Fields of Campions 3 new paintings

Campions. Oil on canvas 70x70 cm 2016 £1100

Campions. Oil on canvas 70×70 cm 2016 £1100

The beginnings of a new series of paintings, this post follows on from the Tregeseal stone circle drawings post from a few days ago. Three paintings  just finished yesterday and a few more drawings….. not sure about a titles yet…..probably like the others finished yesterday the title will be something along the lines of Field of Campions. Oil on canvas 70×70 cm £1100.

Field of Campions. Oil on canvas 70x70 cm £1100

Field of Campions. Oil on canvas 70×70 cm £1100

They came about through frequent short cycle trips up to Tregeseal stone circle, and part of a new series of paintings that will eventually include several paintings about the stone circle above Tregeseal. As always during these cycle trips I carry my sketchbooks and camera to capture something of the experience. I do not copy from the images I take with my camera….I use it to document the activity and the images will often get stitched together and turned into a short film. and this will happen as the collection of images continues.


Wild Flowers and seeded grasses

Wild Flowers and seeded grasses

Gathering all these strands together is a complicated process, always I hope that the process feeds through and can be at least hinted at in the final finished painting. Although it presents itself as one thing…..a final image it is much more and encompasses all the activities that occur during the process of creating am artwork. But not all of that process is obvious so for those interested in how these paintings come about I decided to keep a blog, although I tend to think of this more as a creative diary.

tangled Bracken

tangled Bracken

These three new paintings have been through the usual long process but gradually over the past couple of months as I began to think more and more about painting some of the standing stones and stone circles and cycling out to visit either Tregeseal or Boscarwen Un stone circle, these three paintings began to take on something of those experiences.

I am intending to do several paintings at Tregeseal stone circle that will reflect the different moods and weathers that come in throughout the year…… from fog and mist, rain and hail, storms and bright summer sky’s and with a bit of look snow…..

Campions in mist. Oil on canvas 70x70 cm 2016 £1100

Campions in mist. Oil on canvas 70×70 cm 2016 £1100