If I am not available to take your call …. it is most likely I am in the landscape drawing …. if so you can contact me by email at …. doms@aol.com.
I have a foundation in Fine Art from Northwich College of Further Education (1983-1984). A B.A (Hon’s) in Fine Art from the Polytechnic Wolverhampton (1984-1987). A postgraduate diploma in Fine Art painting from the University of Fine Arts Krakow Poland (1991-1992). (The same University that Copernicus studied at) and an M.A. with distinction from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff (1994-1996). My teaching experience includes Lecturer in Foundation, B.A. and M.A. at various collages and various artist in residence programes since the late 1990’s -See my CV for more details.
My work has always been based in nature, immersing myself in all weathers at all times of the year begining with walking and cycling with my sketchbooks. These sessions are to give you the opportunity to work alongside and artist – to see how the process of creating an artwork begins and developes. The sessions are an introduction to drawing outside. To give you the opportunity to take your own artwork home to frame and display in your own home. And maybe even continue to draw and grow as an artist yourself.
You will have access to varying techniques for sketching and drawing introductions to mark making, perspective, using basic and inexpensive materials. Drawing could not be a simpler way to begin expressing yourself artistically. All that is needed are graphite pencils and a good sketchbook an eraser and that’s it. That really is all you need. However with one or two other tools it can become really interesting, the use of a little wet and dry sandpaper, a small amount of water and a suitable brush a wealth of effects can be achieved.
…. Some examples from my sketchbooks some of Brechiek (St. Martin’s) some further a field ….
Aurora – Brechiek. Ynysek Syllan May 11th 2024
Two Portraits – Between Herðubreið.and Askja. Graphite and oil on card. 64 x 164 cm. 2024
Glacio Karst – Oileáin Árann agus aigéan atlantach No.2 graphite on card 43×61 cm 2024
- Crescent Moon rise 2 graphite on paper 28×28 cm
- Daughter of Theia – Setting Moon Enys Brechiek Ynysek Syllan 28×28 cm 2022 graphite on paper
- Daughter of Theia – Setting crescent Moon Enys Brecjiek Ynysek Syllan. graphite on papaer 28×28 cm
- Glaciokarst – Innis Arainn agus An tAigean Atlantach. Graphite on paper 27×27 cm £250
- Daughter of Theia Enys Brechiek Ynysek Syllan graphite on paper 28×28 cm
- Sunrise Looking Towards the Eastern Isles Isles of Scilly. Graphite on paper. 28×28 cm unframed
- Moon Rise. graphite on paper 28×28 cm
- Sunrise Looking Towards the Eastern Isles Isles of Scilly. Graphite on paper. 28×28 cm unframed
- Crescent Moon rise 1 graphite on paper 28×28 cm
- Squal Enys Ek Ynesek Syllan graphite on paper 28×28 cm
- Ros Beithe Contae Ciarrai
…. for further information contact me – doms598@aol.com ….