The next few days were filled with mist and rain…..and fairly flat rides. Cycling long winding estuaries that were fascinating. The changing light, rolling mist….the green-ness of the estuaries with there wildlife. It was very atmospheric, visually stunning….
These roads like mid Wales were so quiet….hardly any traffic.
Towards the end of the day we started to look for place to camp finding a terrific strand of dunes called Long Strand Dunes, and in a sheltered dip between the dunes we made camp, had some food and spent the evening watching the mist roll cross the sea. This was for me unexpected. The sea was fairly active and with sketchbooks I made some attempt to capture the atmosphere of this place…….This huge long beach was really quite something and I expect to create some interesting seascapes from this experience……
The next day dawned misty and damp and it took us a couple of hours to get rid of the condensation from the tents. We had pitched our tents in a dip surrounded by sand dunes to stay out of the wind and of course during the night the wind completely dropped…but by mid morning we had some blue sky and eventually broke camp and continued our journey to Skibbereen.
On the way we headed for ….. Drombeg Stone Circle…. and what place it was

Tent life

Some time later…another day another ride…..Camping at Eagle point…….

Eaglepoint Sunset
This was such spectacular place that we stayed here for few days…….the days passed in alternating rain and wind and mist….it was challenging cycling but really enjoyable. The time spent here…3 nights in all was a much needed pause. I had come down with some low level bug courtesy of a very ill person in the local supermarket…..It did not affect me in any serious way, and we still did fair mount of exploring, and well sometimes it is nice to unload the bikes and cycle without panniers….though not without sketchbooks

Kilkeel stone circle

Kilkeel stone circle