Christmas and New Year 2018-2019 Manchester

A couple of weeks in Manchester with Jan, Ewa, Alex and a few of their friends was such good fun and  a welcme end to the horrendous job Aaron and I were doing in Keswick…..Lot’s of good conversation, good Polish food…and a great walk up Kinder Scout…… It was also a good chance to make some plans and hopefully to start repairing and replacing some of the badly worn components on our bikes……I needed  new rear  wheal – the hub bearings were a complete disaster and that was urgent, something that Jan helped out with. I found a new wheel on e bay….same as the old one, brand new and half the price so Jan said he would take us to buy it as it was not far away… great stuff…. that was one problem solved…….Here are some images from our stay…..

Kinder Scout……