Magnetic Reconnection – view from Porth Mellin Cairn Tresco February 2023
After seeing the Aurora in Iceland in 2023 the artist saw them again on Tresco Ynysek Syllan (Isles of Scilly) February 2023 and again in March 2024 and again on Brechiek Ynysek Syllan in March and again on September 13th 2023. All different all amazing experiences
The artwork is a response to nature, painted outside and finished in the studio. The painting explores our connection with nature, more than that, it explores landscape and seascape in the broader context of how weather systems develop that the sun drives the climate, It is about interconnection, philosophically it is an attempt to impress upon the viewer that we are not a separate creation from nature. That our consiousness, our self awareness evolved out of the same laws of nature that govern the evolution of the universe. From this philosophical point of view arises the paradigm that consciousness is the universe becoming self aware, holding a metaphorical mirror up to itself and asking the question what am I ….. Then the choice of how we treat nature arises. As we are nature it is in reality about how we treat ourselves, each other and nature.
On a clear night away from light poluted skies the human eye can see between 1.600 and 5000 stars, estimates differ according to different sources, however the darker the sky and the less light polution the more you can see. In this painting I have placed 3800 individual stars including various constellations and the galaxy was very prominent. Everything is painted from observation using averted vision and memory …..

Magnetic Reconnection – view from Porth Mellin Cairn Tresco February 2023