From mine and Aaron’s 3 month cycle tour of Ísland. One of our many wild camps. This is almost in the centre of Island. There are no shops, no convenience stores any where near. We took ten days of food with us. We did not need to take any water as all the rivers have pure drinking water and so we could refill our water bottles along the way. It was the best cycle tour we have ever done.
‘Self Portrait with bikes and Tents. Ísland’ Graphite on card. 61×43 cm 2024.
From mine and Aaron’s 3 month cycle tour of Ísland. One of our many wild camps. This is almost in the centre of Island. There are no shops, no convenience stores any where near. We took ten days of food with us. We did not need to take any water as all the rivers have pure drinking water and so we could refill our water bottles along the way. It was the best cycle tour we have ever done.
‘Self Portrait with bikes and Tents. Ísland’ Graphite on card. 61×43 cm 2024.
Do you have any memories of adventures you would like to see as an artwork ….. I do commissions ….. so get in contact for more info.

A new drawing of mine and Aaron’s cycle tour of Ísland . This is close to another wild camp and one of the many volcano’s we cycled past. This one is called Herðubreið This type of volcano is a tuya which is a flat topped volcano situated in the northern part of Vatnajökull National Park, in the Highlands at the east side of the Ódáðahraun desert and close to Askja volcano,. The desert is a large lava field originating from eruptions of Trölladyngja and other shield volcanoes in the area. Cycling here is extraordinary. To cycle through ash fields and lava plains littered with ancient …. and not so ancient debris thrown out from volcanic eruptions ….. here and there evidence of life in the form of small brillantly coloured wild flowers …… surrounded sometimes in silence except for the sound of the tyres on the ground was amazing ……
‘Herðubreið – Ódáðahraun desert – Vatnajökull National Park Ísland’. Graphite and oil on card 61×43 cm 2024.

Two Portraits – Between Herðubreið.and Askja. Graphite and oil on card. 64×164 cm. 2024
Comprised of 4 individual panels attached and reinforced on the back. From mine and Aaron’s three month cycle tour of Island.
The shadows of myself and Aaron are important referencing the transient nature of our journey and our philosophy to leave a place as if we had never been there …… leaving nature as we find it ….. with no traces …. absolutely no rubbish or equipment left behind.