Artist’s Curriculum Vita
Christopher Dominic Hankey
Cycle touring the world since 2017
About the artist…
As far back as I remember I have been fascinated by nature and weather from watching winter storms that role in throughout the year to observing the universe through my telescope, and long distance cycle touring, drawing, painting the Landscape and seascapes. Having this constant interaction with nature has had a profound effect on my philosophical outlook. I view consciousness as the universe becoming self aware that there is a deeply profound connection between consciousness and nature. In many ways our modern world has succeeded in distancing the majority of people from nature and I believe this is to our great loss. There is a creative energy to the way the sea, earth, atmosphere and artist interact, and light, it seems to me that there is the light of nature and also the light of consciousness through which we explore the world through a dynamic and creative relationship between our conscious selves and reality. I do not view the light of mind and the light of nature as separate creations but as interconnected natural phenomena emerging through the natural evolution of the universe and the laws of nature. So in essence I paint the creative fluid interaction between light, sea, weather and mind. Consciousness is the Universe becoming self aware and that is beyond sublime, and that is beautiful enough and wonderful enough for me.
Art education…
1980-1982. Ruskin County sixth form grammar. Crewe Cheshire. O-Level Art A.
1983-1984. Mid – Cheshire College of Further Education. Northwich Cheshire. (82-83: Ground Course. 83-84: Foundation Course)
1984-1987. The Polytechnic Wolverhampton. B.A.(Hons.) Fine Art Painting see gallery below for examples of work done during my B.A. (HONS.) degree at Wolverhampton Polytechnic
- Beesley Falls nr. Ingleton No.1 oil on card 1985waterfall
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange oil on board 1986
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986. No. 15
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986 No. 34
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986. No. 16
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986. No. 20
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986. No. 19
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986. No. 18
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986. No. 11
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986 No.27
- Dun an Oir Wolverhampton-Limerick student exchange watercolour 1986 No. 14
- selfportrait Wolverhampton
- Dee 2 Wolverhampton sketchbook
- Dee 1 Wolverhampton sketchbook
1986. Student exchange between Wolverhampton Polytechnic and Limerick College of Art.
1991-1992. Academy of Fine Arts Krakow Poland. Ten Month Polish Government Postgraduate Scholarship. The following images are examples of artworks during this time
- Krakow first visit April 1988
- Nova Huta. Graphite on paper Krakow sketchbook 5 – No.1. 1992
- Nova huta No.2. Graphite on paper. Krakow sketchbook 5 1992
- Hands. No.2 Graphite on paper. Krakow sketchbook 8 1992
- Hands No.1. Graphite on paper. Krakow sketchbook 8. 1992
- Two portraits. Graphite on paper Krakow sketchbook No. 8. 1992
- Haystacks near Zab Oil on board 38×38 inches 1989
- Winter In The Tatra. Oil on prepared paper
1994- 1996, MA Fine Art University of Wales Institute Cardiff. Thefollowing images are from this time and include studio images and artworks.
- My M.A. studio in Cardiff and my Cannondale T800 Touring bike
1984. Discretionary award Cheshire county council to study Foundation at Mid Cheshire College of Further Education.
1991-1992. Ten month Polish Government Postgraduate Scholarship. Krakow Poland.
Selected exhibitions…
Dom Poloni Krakow Polnd 1992
Polish consulate. London 1994
Will’s Art Warehouse, London. Annually 1997 to 2011
Innocent Fine Art, Bristol. 2003. 2004. 2005, 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009.2010,2011, 2012
Rainyday Gallery, Penzance,. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. 2005, 2006. 2007. 2008, 2009. Aug 2010.
Park View Fine Paintings,. 1999, 2000.
Gallery Tresco Summer 2007 – 2024
Miami Art Fair, 2002.
New York Art Fair, 2002.
Dublin Art Fair, 2003.
Melbourne Art Fair, 2003.
Sydney Art Fair, 2003.
Island Fine fine Arts Isle of wight 2004. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2020
Art International Nassau Bahamas 2005
Porthminster Gallery 2008, 2009, 2010
lecturing experience in studio practice, life drawing and art history:
Wolverhampton Polytechnic. B.A. Fine Art. Stroud College of further education. Foundation. University of Wales. Institute Cardiff M.A. Weston College Weston Super Mare. Foundation.
Artist In Residence:
Commonwork Landtrust. Bore Place Kent 1989. Academy Fine Arts Krakow Poland 1989, 2010. Central Gold Fields Australia 1889. Gallery Tresco Isles of Scilly annual artist in residence 2006, 2007. 2008, 2009, 2011 – 2024
World Cycle Tour self organised self funded cycle touring artist in residencies
2017 – Artist in residence cycle tour – Cornwall to County Clare.
2018 – Gallery Tresco artist in residence February 2018
2018 artist in residence world cycle tour Cornwall to Cumbria 1st My 2018 – February 2019.
2019 – Artist in residence world cycle tour -February – September Tresco.
2022 – Artist in residence Gallery Tresco- February, Castle Hornek yha – March, cycle tour South Wales – June, Cycle tour Wild Atlantic Way Ireland – July, Artist in residence cycle tour Iceland July 11th – September 5th 2022. Artist in residence Gallery Tresco November 2022
Art Galleries…
1. Gallery Tresco. Isles of Scilly…….To visit click here
2. Aubergine Art. Wimbledon London. …. to visit click here
3. The Cottage Gallery. Wedmore ….To visit click here
4. St. Ives Contemporary. St. Ives Cornwall …. to view click here
5. Saatchi online gallery….. To visit click here
6. My own on line gallery/shop (etsy) …. to visit click here
Other interests….
Astronomy, Long distance cycle touring, genealogy, chess, stone balancing, philosophical discourse
Photo – summit of Tryfan North Wales
Cycle touring the world……..
Cycling has always been the beginning of my creative process, It is how I go to work, carrying sketchbooks watercolours even small oil paintings and materials into the landscape to begin or continue an artwork. January 2010….
I gave up car ownership completely, and the serious training began. Cycling the equatorial distance of the Earth in 4 years reaching a total of 42873 miles by the end of 2018. The simple act of taking a sketchbook and cycling, clears my mind, almost I would say it is a form of meditation allowing the tones, colours, the texture of the landscape, seascape it’s ever changing weather to become a part of my consciousness, stopping to draw whenever it occurs. These cycling journeys are a fundamental part of the artwork….. They are artworks in there own right, a fundamental and creative response to nature, a choice to be as close to nature as possible.
On my eleventh birthday I was given my first road touring bicycle on that day I planned to cycle around the world. A dream that has been with me ever since. Rather than an artist in residence….I like to call this project an artist in transience, producing artworks along the way. This is an ongoing and self sustained journey. Fully loaded cycle touring.
Summer 2017….
the journey began with a 4 month cycle tour from Cornwall through Wales and the Atlantic coast of Eire.
Summer 2018 ….
The tour continued revisiting Wales to climb all of Wales 3000 foot summits through Cumbria where I am now based for the winter creating a new series of artworks.
In 2019 to Sept. 2020….
Our journey this year takes us back to Tresco Isles of Scilly where I am involved in an artist in residence from February through to September, I will post more info eventually on the blog…..Well my son and I do need to earn some money occasionally…… BUT……this does give us an unexpected nd timely opportunity…….and so we are changing our direction….from September we will be wintering on the Isles of Scilly while I catch up with a lot of new artworks, Aaron will be continuing his sailing courses, eventually we intend to get ourselves a yacht. So we are here for a while……. if all goes well towards the end of 2020 we will be heading into Europe traveling South to……..and into……..Africa. Well that was the plan as it happens……along came second lockdown and so our world cycle tour has had to be put on hold once again… and so we stayed put and got oursleves into another winter let on St. Mary’s
As it happens staying put allowed my son and I to be full vaccinated but it does mean another year will pass before we can begin to think about continuing the tour.
….Is suddenly here and the year begins with an artist in residency with Gallery Tresco….and then in February we resume the cycle tour first into South Wales, then the Atlantic Coast of Ireland and then 3 months in Iceland.
2023 ….
starts with an extended artist in residence with gallery Tresco with a shed load of arts conservation work spread over the winter and through to the end of March. We now have a permanent semi off grid base on the Island of Brechiek Ynysek Syllan, and several off grid projects long held in the back of our minds have presented themselves, Also a permanent base has been a long standing dream that has always been beyond my reach so for the time being at least we are pausing our world cycle tour. Having a base also gives me the opportunity to play catch up withmy painting and to begin painting the experiences of the last couple of years.
I have also been accepted to take part in a three month artist in residence in Greenland ….. but I now have to find funding to do this …..
Still trying to find funding for the Greenland artist in residence. The bike is in need of a full rebuild and I am playing catchup with all the inspiration from the previous cycle touring artist in residence in Ireland and Iceland.